Equestrian trail

Trail from the Equestrian Club KK Budinščina (Budinščina) over the Lujčekova hiža (Ham-Pokojec) up to the Ranch Chivas (Željeznica).

Equestrian trail number 8 is divided into two sections: from the Equestrian Club KK Budinščina to the mountain lodge Lujčekova Hiža, where there will be a break including option for refreshment and from Lujčekova Hiža to the last estate in the entire equestrian trail, Ranch Chivas. In its initial and shorter part, the trail passes through the hilly area of fields, groves, villages and streams, while in its last and longer part, the trail passes through the woody area of the Ivanščica mountain. In its shorter sections, the trail can be crossed in gallop.

Technical description

Track weight: 4/5
Track length: 16.4 km
Time: 3h 30min